CPZ International

Research projects

Identification of criteria for evaluation of equity in education (collaborator, in cooperation with Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana), 2000-2001

Equity in education - social diversity in education (collaborator, in cooperation with Faculty of Education, University of Maribor), 2000-2001

Evaluation of programmes for technical high schools, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, 2000-2003

Evaluation study: Daily Routine in Kindergarten and School (leading organisation, in cooperation with The Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana), 2001-2003

Evaluation study daily routine in kindergarten and school, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (leading organisation, in cooperation with The Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana), 2001-2003

Introduction of the system of "conditional tuition fees" into university study, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (leading organisation, in cooperation with The College of Enterpreneurship, Portorož), 2001-2002

Computer literacy programme for adults, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Ministry of Information Society (leading organisation, in cooperation with Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana), 2001-2004

Evaluation study of Zois scholarships for gifted children, Employment Service of Slovenia, 2003-2004

Evaluation study national assessment in nine-year elementary school, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, 2003-2005

The challenges of natural and technical education, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (leading organisation, in cooperation with The Educational Research Institute), 2003-2005

European dimension in teacher training curriculum, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (leading organisation, in cooperation with Faculty of Education, University of Maribor, and Faculty of Education, University of Primorska), 2004-2006

Applicative projects

Examination system for managerial exams, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, 1999-2000

Feasibility study on technical infrastructure for a certification system, Phare Mocca Project (external collaborator), 2000

Installation of registration and information system for national vocational qualifications support, Phare Mocca Project, 2000-2001

Slovenian-english glossary of educational terms, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, 2002-2003

Development of criteria for awarding grants for studying abroad, Ad futura public fund, 2004

Development of information system for grants awarding, Ad futura public fund, 2004

International projects

Pilot project on regional co-operation in reforming higher education (Sponsored by EC/PHARE): Secondary education systems in Phare countries: Survey and project proposal, 1994

A comparative study of current theories and practices in assessing students' achievement at primary and secondary level, IBE, 1994 (Final report by H. G. Macintosh)

TIMSS Research, The Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana, 1994-1996

Council of Europe Project: Access to higher education, 1994-1996

Council of Europe Project: Secondary education, 1994-1996

Revision of examination procedures for New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 1996

Baseline survey on learner achievement in Moldova, World Bank Project, 1997

Higher education reform in Lithuania, assessment component, Phare Project, 1997-1999

Elaboration of a project for Education Rehabilitation Project, Macedonija, 1998

Working group International Qualifications, Council of Europe, UNESCO-CEPES, 1998

Consultancy for New Zealand Qualifications Authority, Introduction of bar coding into examination, 1999

Assessment for minority, Consultancy for Maoris, NZQA, 1999

Agency for Standards and Assessment of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project, World Bank Project, 2000-2001

National assessment in Macedonia, Government of the Netherlands, 2000-2001

Standards and Assessment Agency, Bosnia and Herzegovina, World Bank, Interim directorship and consulting, 2000-2002

Implementation of national assessment for 4th and 8th grade of primary school in Bosnia and Herzegovina, EC TAER Project - Technical assistance in educational reform, 2001-2002 (consultancy and assistance)

5th European Union Framework Programme: EWSI - Employment and women's studies in Europe (subcontractor, in cooperation with Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana), 2001-2003

Feasibility study on setting up Curriculum and Assessment Agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina, OSCE, 2002

Kosovo curriculum development, Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, 2002 (project management)

VET project in Montenegro, assessment component, European Union, 2002

National assessment project in Serbia, World Bank Project, 2002 - ongoing

VET project in Croatia, Educational management information system, EU CARDS Project, 2001, 2003-2004

VET project in Croatia, curriculum development, assessment and quality assurance, EU CARDS Project, 2001, 2003-2004

Feasibility study on setting up Curriculum Agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Council of Europe, 2003

Technical assistance on analyzing the needs in developing educational assessment and evaluation, World Bank and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2004


Public opinion analysis of the readers of the magazine "Življenje in tehnika", Tehniška založba Slovenije, 2000

Analysis of the project Education of 5000 unemployed (cooperation), Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, 2001

Analysis of Zois scholarship recipients, Employment Service of Slovenia, 2001

Analysis of Zois scholarship recipients, Employment Service of Slovenia, 2002

Analysis of condition in the field of working with pupils with learning disabilities in primary school (cooperation), National Education Institute, 2001-2002

Analysis of Zois scholarship for gifted children recipients, Employment Service of Slovenia, 2003

Organisation of conferences, congresses and seminars

European conference on educational research ECER 1998, Ljubljana (cooperators)

25th annual International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA) conference, Bled 1999 (organizer)

Seminar on Strategies of Educational Reform in South East European Countries, Bled 2000 (technical organization)

Seminar Copyright Work in Education, Ljubljana 2001 (organizer)

Seminar Copyright in Education for educational workers, OŠ Vič, Ljubljana 2001 (organizer)

Seminar Curriculum implementation, evaluation and assessment, dr. Colin J Marsh, Ljubljana 2002 (organizer)

Seminar Copyright in education, Ljubljana 2002 (organizer)

Seminar Preparing curriculum for lifelong learning, dr. Colin J. Marsh, Ljubljana, 2003 (organizer)

Seminar Portfolio assessment, dr. Colin J. Marsh, Ljubljana, 2004 (organizer)